VoiD.net: the Developer's Log

VoiD.net dev worklog

Thursday, December 27, 2007

As expected

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I have a break from work just to wish you Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and all that… everyone out there, thanks for reading although I don’t almost write nowadays. Someday in a not very distant future I’ll retake this, I hope.

Enjoy these days!

posted by ferminho at 16:16  

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


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“I’ve declared war on stress! … I see that caught your attention”

I don’t have free time for almost anything. Too many faculty projects, work, and more faculty related work, and now I’m taking driving lessons too. VoiD.net has been on hold form some time, the VBA library that I wanted to finish and distribute too, and ACABAN, and any other personal project too.

I don’t know how much I’ll last.

posted by ferminho at 17:55  

Friday, August 24, 2007


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We’ve appeared in TV, in Spanish channel “La 2”, in a quick video article about the Tú También Puedes competition, where ACABAN finished first place 😀

I can’t seem to find the video in the “La 2 Noticias” web, where theorically it should be… fortunately someone uploaded it to Youtube. You may watch it here, but keep in mind it’s in Spanish.

posted by ferminho at 10:29  

Friday, August 17, 2007

Halfly back

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Alright, so mid-August is here and, as I thought, I have no time… to code or post.

But not everything’s bad, after Campus Party and so, I bring a couple of good news.

Firstly, ACABAN has won the Tú También Puedes competition! 😀 first place, and we’re very happy. These news are a bit late, but better late than never, I guess.

And secondly, we took part in the Campus Party Fast Development Competition 72h, in Videogames modality, and we won a symbolic third place that’s great too 🙂 and about the game, BrainEaters, although a lot of things didn’t make the cut, (the competition release even had no Unif Studios logo at the start screen!) I think the final result is a very addictive game, and we had a lot of fun developing it, and playing it afterwards.

To finish the post, I hope to find some time to work on my VBA library, as I plan on publishing it (freely) when it’s a bit more polished. But I want to keep on working on ACABAN chapter II and VoiD, and oh well, so many other things…

posted by ferminho at 12:19  

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

(Yet another) Break

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I know, I know, no posts…

No advances these days. I haven’t been much at home lately and I can’t even do some work for the uni I’ve got still pending… so no need to say, VoiD.net hasn’t experienced any major or minor change since last time I posted… I don’t even have time to post here *sigh*.

Next week I’m going to Campus Party 2007 so I’ll be off for a week… and then I’ll leave again on a small vacation…

So… maybe about 15th August I’ll be back to coding, or maybe I won’t. I can’t tell yet but I hope so.

I’m starting to become somewhat… stressed…

posted by ferminho at 16:47  

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Lion Live

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With this particular (and incorrect) name, I released a game for the Fenix CRAP COMPO 2.

It tries to be kind of a lion life simulator, but can’t even get near that. It’s surrealist, incoherent, and full of engrish 🙂

Anyone who’s bored can try it out, for Windows, here.

posted by ferminho at 20:33  

Friday, June 8, 2007


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Finally! ACABAN 1.0 R1 has been released. It’s taken a lot of effort and hard work, but it’s finally there. I learnt that the “closure” of the game can be sometimes as time-consuming as the whole development process…

Well, HERE is the official web with downloads, information and screenshots. And here is a mirror.

Now I’m right in the middle of my exam weeks so I’ll be busy I guess, but I just took VoiD.net’s code again and fixed a bug and started getting in the mood. I’m motivated after releasing ACABAN and will be continuing VoiD as soon as possible.

posted by ferminho at 12:16  

Thursday, May 10, 2007


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Before anything else; I’m sorry about not posting lately. Exams are sneaking up on me after a lot of uni work and my free time starts to disappear.
Another reason why I don’t post much is because VoiD is currently on vacation while we finish ACABAN. Good news are it is almost finished (with the “Tú también puedes” compo deadline closing up) and with that, our new Unif Studios web.
I hope to have it ready for the 18th, and after that and a bit of relax I’ll go on with VoiD where I left it.

Changing subject, from time to time I change some things in the worklog. I installed some more plugins and stuff to make it a bit better.

posted by ferminho at 10:34  

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


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  • spanish

I fixed some things and configured some plugins and the blog’s template. I really like the way it is right now. I’m checking jLanguage with this post. Let’s see…

UPDATE: wow, it is very cool! if someday I decide to publish posts in both languages, it’s easy to use, it supports “shared text” and easy to add new languages… the only issue it’s the post content zone gets reduced due to the flags but…
RE-UPDATE: well it really is cool. What I said earlier only happens for the first paragraph. It works even in RSS so, perfect! great plugin for WordPress!

posted by ferminho at 14:44  

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Nuevo blog

Por fin escapé de las garras de forumer y mudé el worklog a nuestro hosting, con un bonito WordPress configurable y fiable por detrás.

Siento haber estado todo este tiempo sin postear, pero ahora… ¡vuelta a la carga!

PD: ¡ACABAN 1.0 sale pronto! (en serio)

posted by ferminho at 14:42  

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Por fin…

Llevaba el login de los blogs de forumer petado varias semanas… y sin que dijeran nada, si lo iban a arreglar, qué pasaba ni nada, así que estoy portando el foro a nuestro hosting en www.unifstudios.com
[nota de la mudanza: y siendo éste el último post por “mudar”, ¡hecho está!]

Tardaré un poco en mover los posts, pero bueno, cuando eso ya avisaré por aquí. Qué rollo 😛

Y como resumen de lo que he hecho en este tiempo… ¡nada! estamos acabando el ACABAN (valga la redundancia) y espero poder continuar en cuanto lo terminemos.

posted by ferminho at 19:56  

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Uno más

¡Feliz año a todos! (malditas eñes xD) [nota de la mudanza: tenía más gracia cuando ponía “anho” y “enhes”]

Ya estamos en el 2007, parece mentira… lo poco que me cunde xD si miro atrás, apenas he avanzado en este año. Poco a poco, muy poco a poco, pero bueno, al menos he ido haciendo cosas…
Como propósito para este nuevo año, ponerme un poco las pilas xD No quiero hablar de demos ni nada porque luego nunca lo cumplo, pero estoy intentando ponerme un objetivo a corto plazo. Ahora, como digo, paso de dar fechas ni más datos para luego no poder cumplirlo ^_^u

Para des-offtopiquear un poco, he terminado el año pudiendo decir que tengo más de la mitad de las animaciones de Hit, y esta quedando muy mono él. Estoy con animaciones de golpear y ésas intento currármelas un poco más… a ver si pronto podéis observar cómo queda en tiempo real.

Saludos varios.

posted by ferminho at 09:10  
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